
There have been exceptional considerations of Kael offered in the past seven days by great, thoughtful, non un-critical writers like Jim Emerson, Frank Rich, Dan Callahan and Armond White, all of whom understand on an atomic level Kael’s importance and do grand work grappling with that importance, even aspects of it that they may personally troubling. I can recommend these pieces to you wholeheartedly, even though I may not agree with every conclusion or observation. The best of them may well be Farran Smith Nehme’s sharply observed piece, which is ostensibly built around a look at Wolcott’s book and evolves into a brilliant confrontation with some of the most recent (and age-old) criticism of Kael, the writer and the woman. This is an unqualified masterpiece of a post from the movie blogosphere’s best, most shining representative.
Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) for you, Dear Reader, the fact that I haven’t been able to get my paws on the new books has prevented me from being able to offer any timely commentary of my own on them, other than an extended comment on Farran’s site and my own attempt to aggregate the occasional Kael-oriented link on my personal Facebook page. However, Farran was exceptionally kind in linking to an extended piece that I wrote three and a half years ago on a different occasion when the topic of Pauline Kael raised itself, as it will from time to time. So I decided, in the absence of the time to write something new, and since the piece referenced served at the time as my own personal testament to the influence of Kael on my own life as a writer and intellectually engaged moviegoer, I have decided that now would be a good time to re-release it, as it were, in an attempt to participate, however peripherally, in the current conversation. My 2008 post was in response to the conversation that was stirred up in the wake of the 44-year anniversary of one of Kael’s most noteworthy essays, “Are Movies Going to Pieces?” and in particular to Jim Emerson’s Scanners post re the same. As I did at the time, I have reprinted my original text, which was intended first as a comment for Jim’s blog and then reconfigured as an essay which specifically referenced what Jim had to say as well as comments made in the aftermath of Jim’s piece, all in an attempt to crystallize my own intense feelings about Kael and her work. So what you will see posted here today is a piece no twice warmed over, complete with all the original links, save one elision of an irrelevant paragraph near the end of the introduction. This time around I have also created a follow-up post that includes the comments left in the thread following my own 2008 post, which continue the conversation in illuminating ways. (Some of those comments that take the conversation in a direction not specifically Kael-oriented have been edited or excluded entirely.) Here then, in honor of Pauline Kael Week 2011, is my essay post from February 2008 entitled “In Defense of The Perils of Pauline.”

A few days ago, Jim Emerson offered a post that once again considered, depending on your point of view, either the estimable influence or the declining reputation of Pauline Kael. The Scanners post came in response to the near-44-year anniversary of the publication of her essay, “Are Movies Going to Pieces?”, and by posting it Jim was opening up discussion not only to the continued relevance, or lack thereof, of Kael’s criticism, but also to questions we, as thoughtful moviegoers, are still asking today.
Jim’s post came during one of the busiest weeks of my life (don’t worry, I’ll spare you), yet while I was reading it on the fly I couldn’t help but feel it was there, in a cosmic sense, just for me and that I somehow had to make time to offer up a humble nugget of comment to contribute to the typically thoughtful conversation about it there. So I sat down this past Wednesday night, in the afterglow of Nathaniel R’s Oscar Symposium, and started typing out a few thoughts. Four hours and 3,400 words later, I had a response that I could not possibly send in to Jim’s blog and expect him to publish. So I sent it to him as an e-mail instead because I wanted him to know how much I appreciated his generating the discussion, even as I knew I couldn’t ask him to allow me to trample the brevity and cogency of his comments column so far with my logorrhea, however passionate.
Yet here I was now with this long, rambling essay on What Pauline Kael Means to Me and nowhere to put it. But wait! Oh, yeah! I have my own blog! Why, I could publish it there and could suffer the inevitable slings and arrows without having to mess up Jim’s house! So I have decided to share it with you here. My advice, however, would be to go to Scanners and read Jim’s post, also entitled ”Are Movies Going to Pieces?,” particularly the comments that follow, before reading my own thoughts below. I have not made much of an effort to disguise the fact that my own post started out as a comment/letter to Jim, so therefore it may read as slightly odd or incomplete without that background. There are also references to at least one Scanners commenter by name, as well as several other comments made on Jim’s site, that I refer to assuming that if you’ve made it this far into my own meandering thoughts, then you will of course know to whom and what I am referring and keep on chooglin’. I apologize that I cannot seem to, as Jim’s other readers obviously can, keep my verbosity under control. I’m not sure how I thought I could, given the subject. Someday, perhaps, this will be a skill I will learn. But for now consider the following my own summation of some of the feelings that a 30-odd-year relationship with the writing of Pauline Kael has inspired in me. Then rip, shred, rinse and repeat as necessary.

Pauline Kael’s criticism most certainly served a different function in the Internet-less world where she once reigned as the most influential film critic in America. She lived and wrote in a world where terms like “roadshow engagement” and “word of mouth” and “platform release” had meaning, where the fate of a film didn’t rest on an opening weekend where it was booked into 3,400 theaters. She had a reason to suspect that she could reach an audience outside the New York intelligentsia by pulling a kind of bait-and-switch on the expectations of both readers inclined to go for mass audience movies and those who wouldn’t be caught dead lining up for anything that didn’t have the imprimatur of art, or at least high-minded intentions. She didn’t worry about whether or not she was consistent in the kinds of movies she praised or disparaged—the luxury of one who operates without a theory to be constantly monitored and more than occasionally violated.
This is both a source of joy in reading Kael, for me, in that I often felt I was getting an uncut reaction, one which often forced me to “re-view” my own reactions through the prism of her intimidating, invigorating point of view, and a source of frustration because I think on some level I wanted to be able to predict where on the spectrum her opinion of a certain movie or film talent would land. I became aware of Pauline Kael as early as 1972 or 1973 or so when I saw her on the old Mike Douglas Show, a syndicated afternoon panel talk show. I wish I could remember who it really was that sat on the panel with her—I’d like to think it could have been a group like Robert Goulet, Shirley Chisholm and Tootie Fields, and it very well could have been. I remained aware of her when big, important movies like Last Tango in Paris and Nashville and many others came out, because it was not unusual to see her name foremost in a splashy blurb in the movie’s advertisement. (I’ll never forget my surprise when her name was stretched out over a long quote trumpeting the virtues of The Way We Were.) And when she panned a movie like The Exorcist, I knew about it because I was reading everything I could get my hands on about the picture and her reaction was inevitably mentioned.

As for her famous one-viewing-only policy, Kael certainly never claimed that anyone who did watch a movie more than once was somehow misguided for doing so. It’s always struck me as a personal affectation rather than policy. And I certainly agree with Scanners reader John Porath in admitting that there have been several movies I’ve disliked on first viewing, felt compelled to see again (and again), eventually discovering a different film that I’ve come to love, undoubtedly accountable to the accumulation of my own experience as much or more than a wearing down of resistance to the tactics of the director. This is an experience that would have held little value for Kael, as she claimed to know how she felt about a movie immediately upon viewing it. This aspect of her methods is one I’ve always found troublesome—there’s an implication there of a movie’s having a kind of canned artistic life which could be wholly absorbed on one viewing, which seems in direct contrast to the expansive quality inherent in really seeing movies. A case could be made that each time you see a movie it has the potential to offer up something new, a phenomena based largely on the fact that, given the passage of time, no person is ever the same person when she encounters a movie a second or third or fourth time. If we are different people, then we will bring new perspectives to a film, or any piece of art/entertainment, through which we will experience that art/entertainment. If this is true, then no movie, not even The Pink Panther, is sealed in amber, or exposed and finished celluloid.


And speaking of delight, it was with delight that it slowly dawned on me just how much of an auteurist Pauline Kael really was. Ever contrarian to Sarris, she just insisted on a different pantheon, and the directors she admired were almost always the ones that were shaking up what the ones in Sarris’s academic appreciation had established and excelled at. Kael would delight in De Palma, and while she didn’t indiscriminately love Hitchcock, she liked him enough to use him as a measuring stick to evaluate films like Carrie and The Fury. Of course she wasn’t afraid to use her influence to try to get people to go out and see something like Casualties of War, and yet somehow that particular review is often held up (as it has been in Jim’s comments section) as evidence of her speciousness as a critic.


This leads me back to Tarantino’s comment about subtextual film criticism not having much at all to do with the filmmaker’s intentions. Pauline Kael rarely wrote with subtext in mind. Her feelings and fears and enthusiasms were right there on the surface, and no less rich for their accessibility. But I think she did a lot to expose the truth of what Tarantino is asserting here, that directors, writers and actors who often work awfully close to the surface may still have subterranean levels of achievement or purpose or commentary that they themselves may be least qualified to articulate.

And it’s what’s behind Kael’s often autobiographical approach to film criticism—in many ways, she is the template for the kind of film criticism that has become more familiar on the Web, for better and for worse, which attempts to weave personal experience and taste into a cogent way of arguing for a position on a film. (Her review of Frederick Wiseman’s High School, reprinted from a KPFA radio program, I believe, in one of the early books, is one of the prime examples I think of when I think of Kael’s personalized slant, and of course there is her famous consideration of Vittorio De Sica’s Shoeshine, which she reviewed through the prism of having just broken up with a lover.)
Jim, I don’t know if I’ve managed to articulate anything here that gets at anything specific about the way Kael argues, or anything really specific about the points she makes in that Atlantic piece or any of her other writing. It is true that she would often bait the reader with a rather high-minded assessment of something she appreciated that she would still classify as a bauble or a trifle. Is she denigrating an entire class of American film by calling Charade the best American film of 1963? Or is she saying that the vitality of movies like Charade, trashy as they may be, are more valuable, at least to her, and perhaps to film culture, than the obsessive high-mindedness of some of the accepted artifacts of “Art” that she routinely dismissed as others piled on the praise? In reading Kael I always tended toward an interpretation that skewed toward an appreciation of the fact that she was open to the glories of Hollywood films like His Girl Friday or To Have and Have Not, and perhaps her reluctance to confer greatness upon them was that to do so might align her too closely with the auteurist film buffs she so regularly disparaged.

(I do tend to think, as one of your readers suggested, that anti-intellectualism is its own form of intellectualism, insofar as it is defined not by a resistance to independent thinking, which is how someone in this anti-intellectual political climate like A—C------ might employ the phrase, but by an examination of the ways in which thinking can become rigid and sap the possibilities of experience within art. This is more anti-academia than anti-intellectualism, I think, as Kael clearly valued the use of her brain.)
Inclusive of all her maddening traits, I value the insights I’ve gleaned from reading Pauline Kael over the past 31 years more than any other film critic I’ve ever encountered. Many others have adopted her voice as film critics, with diminishing results. Yet it is encouraging to have become familiar with so many writers on the Internet over the past four years, yourself most prominently, with whom I am becoming similarly comfortable, both in reading and in engaging in discussion—the advantage here is that when I argue with these new writers, they argue back! (It’s not just that insistent voice in my head imitating Kael’s frail chirpy delivery anymore!) Myself, I have tried to understand what she does and how it can not be imitated but instead used to feed the impulses of creative expression that I believe define film criticism as its own art form. Such a definition, of course, requires exposure to many other voices besides one as forceful as Kael’s, and I’ve enjoyed the process of getting to know and evaluate them too, even if I never held any of them quite so dear. For me Kael set the bar. I believe she is a great critic, not just a good one. Maybe she wouldn’t have survived as well in an online world where her every argument would be subject to round upon round of contrary opinion. But I believe she would have written what she felt just the same, and for those of us willing to search it out, in much the same way we can search out voices worth listening to amongst the competing din of a thousand Harry Knowleses, it would have resonated with similar fervor and excitement.
(The comments originally submitted in response to this post can be found directly below in a separate entry.)
Wonderful post, well worth re-printing. And the volume and probable quality of those links are as enticing as the book itself - for which I fear I'm going to have to be my own Santa.
I find the whole explosion of Kael-talk to be extremely heartening, as a few years ago I feared she was falling deeply out of fashion.
People still quote the line about only seeing movies once as proof of Kael's arrogance. Trust me on this, she had a photographic memory. She could take ten notes at a screening and just recall the whole thing, frame by frame. Even at the end when her memory, she said, wasn't close to what it had been, she watched a DVD with me of the Jonathan Rosenbaum-supervised recut of Touch of Evil and knew exactly where the changes were--and she hadn't seen the film for 40+ years. She also did a lot of furious thinking before she wrote anything down, in the belief that critics ought not to go off half-cocked, putting down first, second, and third thoughts... It was pre-blogging, you see. I get annoyed myself when a critic recants an opinion formulated a week or two earlier. He or she should have gotten it right the first time. (PS--I often see movies I review more than once but my memory stinks and I have to take about 500 notes...)
"She also did a lot of furious thinking before she wrote anything down, in the belief that critics ought not to go off half-cocked, putting down first, second, and third thoughts... It was pre-blogging, you see."
Are you suggesting that there are people on the Internet who live to jump the gun and spew half-formed gut reactions all over the place and call it reviewing, or entertainment journalism, or even film criticism?! ;)
Oh, for a photographic memory. I'm much more like you, David-- I'm in big trouble, especially when it comes to details about the way the film is made, and my own observations, without notes. It's for this reason I welcome seeing a movie more than once, especially if I liked it to begin with. Kael's ability to see and understand with such clarity, and without the need for multiple viewings, is something to be admired, but as you say I don't recall her ever denigrating someone for feeling that once was not enough. The way she experienced movies, she might have thought of repeat viewings as a waste of time, time that could be spend thinking or writing about what she'd already seen and understood. As much as I enjoy revisiting films I love, I also envy the ability to see films that way, and especially that photographic memory. For if anything is true, my memory-- never the best-- ain't what it used to be.
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