Jonah Hex, the movie, opens with a flurry of visual storytelling—marked more, and tellingly so, by wide vistas and lap dissolves than the usual Cuisinart-a-thon cutting-- that initiates you into the foundation of the movie’s central revenge scenario in such a brisk and tidy manner that at first you might feel as though you missed something. “War and me got along real well,” says Hex, the titular protagonist (Josh Brolin), a Confederate soldier who tells us further in his opening narration that he was always motivated to fight because he always did so believing it was the right thing to do. But after resisting the implementation of a bit of terrorism ordered by the vicious general Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich), whose son is both his best friend and fellow soldier, Hex betrays his regiment to a Yankee outfit, which allows him to avoid execution. The general’s son is not so lucky, and after escaping a similar fate himself General Turnbull arranges for the crucifixion of his ex-soldier, forcing Hex to watch his own son and wife die. Turnbull tops off the atrocity by branding Hex with a “QT” on his face to remind him of the general’s wrath. (Hex’s signature disfigurement, a massively scarred cheek and a gnarled strip of flesh which bridges his upper and lower lip, is a gift Hex gives himself, the result of an attempt to unload the brand with the edge of a white-hot hatchet blade. It’s a look that cements his somewhat demonic countenance, but it also makes downing a shot of rye a necessarily more measured and difficult act.)
All this happens, with the help of montage and some visual suggestion, in the first five minutes of the movie. Soon Hex is off on his mission of revenge, hunting down Turnbull and his band of raiders, who have plans even more grand and dastardly than those of real-life Confederate raider William Quantrill, whose notorious image Turnbull's name is meant to conjure. Malkovich is relatively subdued as Turnbull, oozing self-righteous fury and contempt as only this actor can, albeit with the effects dialed down to 8 or 9 this go-around. All the better for leaving the serious scenery gobbling to Michael Fassbender who, after a run of serious roles in films like Inglourious Basterds, Hunger and Centurion, obviously gets a huge buzz from playing a cackling, tattooed Irish terrorist, Turnbull’s A-1 henchman-sadist.

What’s most surprising about Jonah Hex is the way in which it inhabits the traditions and ambience of the movie western. There’s real mournfulness when Hex rides his horse through a Confederate graveyard—director Jimmy Hayward (Horton Hears a Who!) gives us the time to soak in the image rather than force us to play it back in our minds, an afterimage left by a squall of too-quickly-successive visual jolts. The echoes of the genre’s most revered and not-so-revered ancestry coursing through this movie’s DNA are plentiful, none perhaps so welcome as its insistence, despite its multimillion-dollar budget, upon alternating those wide-screen vistas with a playfulness that keeps this violent movie from getting dour. Hayward retains a sense of splendor at the western landscape that isn’t violated by editing the images into reflective, incoherent shards (something that might have happened had the movie been directed by its scenarists, Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, the auteurs responsible for the Crank movies), all the while keeping with the pace and purpose of a full-color version of one of John Wayne’s pre-Stagecoach Republic Pictures. (Jonah Hex, which maybe could have actually used a little more meat on its bones, runs a snappy, bloat-free 82 minutes.) The movie’s neatest conceit is Hex’s ability to revive the dead with a touch, an ability not derived from the original comic books, if memory serves. It’s here bestowed on him by Neveldine and Taylor through the intervention of Native American healers after the physical and emotional violence of Turnbull’s assault. This ability turns out to be a lively way to dealing with that ol’ exposition problem, and it sets up a terrific scene between Hex and his dead, ex-best friend, Jed Turnbull, who hops out of the grave ready to continue the fight Hex ended his life on.

However, reading Stephanie Zacharek’s review was a bit like getting a friendly zap from a joy buzzer. Were it not for the fact of her superior ability to express herself and use language that sounds as if she speaking with you rather than at you, I would have thought I’d written the review myself, so close was it to my own experience with the movie. Of course, the percentage to which one agrees or disagrees with a critic is no measure of that critic’s worth to her subject or as a writer in general, and I have differed with Ms. Zacharek enough during my history of reading her to say this with absolute conviction. (She still hasn’t seen the light on Speed Racer.) But what marks her as a smart, independent voice is not so much her willingness to speak her mind in the face of a publicist’s wet dream of prefab conventional wisdom-- she has registered early, well-articulated objections to The Dark Knight, Inception, Up and any number of other reliably well-received hits—but a quality I value even more, a willingness to step up to the plate for pictures with bad buzz or built-in resistance to being taken seriously even as disposably enjoyable mass entertainment. Some of my favorite pieces by Zacharek in the past few years have been her spirited defenses of the low-brow pleasures of movies and series like The Transporter or The Fantastic Four, or performances like Sandra Bullock’s in The Blind Side, about which seemingly every right-thinking, multiculturally oriented liberal had already decided had gone too easy on the movie’s Bible-thumping Southern Christian protagonist (and, of course, by extension, Bible-thumping Southern Christianity) who would exorcise her white guilt by lending a hand to the Po’ Black Man.

“Jonah’s suffering is the usual alone-in-the-landscape business, but Hayward at least tries to find some poetry in his desolation. At one point Jonah approaches a cemetery on horseback — there’s a corpse in there what needs talkin’ to — and Hayward uses a simple wide shot to capture the idea that, among a mass of white headstones with rotting bodies beneath them, Jonah at least has the meager advantage of being alive.”
That’s called seeing the movie. It’s also why I’ve come to value Stephanie Zacharek’s writing—as Hex himself might say, she’s quick, she’s got herself a lip, and she ain’t no snob. (She’s also not blind—check out her review of Skyline if you think she’s a sucker for every piece of junk that appears-- appears-- to aim low.) Now, if I could only get her to see the light on the Wachowski Brother’s masterpiece…
JONAH HEX - as portrayed in the comics - occupies roughly the first two minutes of this film, after the opening credits... then it morphs into an uneasy combination of THE WILD WILD WEST and THE ADVENTURES OF BRISCO COUNTY JR.
I found this to be a wasted opportunity, especially if one's ever read Joe Lansdale's take on the character, which balanced the western and supernatural adroitly, and which should have been a blueprint on how to handle this material. A shame too, since the actors are all pretty good (Megan Fox really doesn't even belong there, no fault of her own, but she does what she can.)
It might be interesting what this looked like before all the post-production tinkering... but only barely. At best, this is at HOWARD THE DUCK level, only without the hefty budget issues... entertaining on its own, but a travesty of the original material.
Sorry, Dennis!
You may want to keep your eyes peeled for SOLOMON KANE, still held up by Lionsgate for release in the U.S., but available overseas (and elsewhere) -- a much better job of adaptation, IMO.
I will watch out for Solomon Kane, Rob, definitely.
I agree that the movie doesn't have much to do with the original take on the character, and there might have been a movie made (though not now, after this one flopped so badly) that hews more closely to the Lansdale take, with which I am unfamiliar. (As I recall, the original DC version took its sweet time detailing the particular's of Hex's condition, his appearance and abilities, luxuries a movie of any length or temperament probably couldn't afford.)
But I don't understand the comparisons to Howard the Duck, a movie which exemplifies a certain bloated blindness to what works in movies as opposed to what works in comics, as well as a certain excess that was once considered a freakism but is now the Hollywood way. This Jonah Hex may not be DC's, or Landale's, or yours, or even mine-- I would have appreciated more of the supernatural element, especially factoring into the movie's blow-'em-up-good, which I already ceded was the most conventional element here. But what is on screen, production troubles or not, is a damn sight better than Howard the Duck and/or several big movies that have had critical blessings and box-office fortune bestowed on them. Not every movie needs to follow a formula of excess, to be sure, but neither does every comic book movie need to be slavishly attendant to the source material either. (Watchmen pissed off as many fanboys as it pleased.) I liked Jonah Hex movie's shaggy vibe plenty enough to release me from worrying about whether or not it was "true" to what I liked about the comic books, which, truthfully, I don't remember all that vividly anyway. (Old age, thy name is Fading Memories.)
I guess one person's fender bender is another person's twelve car pile up. Probably should check this out, and Dennis, if you haven't read author Joe R. Lansdale's take on Jonah Hex -- Two Gun Mojo and Riders of the Worm and Such -- do yourself a favor and track them down.
I shall, Wild Bill. You and Rob, and my own look into the books in the last 24 hours, have convinced me that I should put them on my Christmas list.
By the way, I'm resistant to even thinking of Jonah Hex as a crash of any magnitude, based on the version released to theatres. (The filmmakers may have another idea.) I was ignorant of the movie's production history until after I saw it, though I suspect that that might account for some of the variance of tone and the ultimate trajectory of the plot that I noted in my post. But I could have assumed something of that history and still come to the same conclusions about the movie. It is, after all, how we react to what we see on the screen that should, I think, be the most important thing. We surely don't live in a vacuum, especially not in L.A., which is why I kinda find it remarkable that I didn't seem to know anything about the vexations that went on behind the scenes.
I can't say I liked Jonah Hex on the whole, but I remember walking out of the theater strangely invigorated by the surprising amount of worth I found there. Brolin's clearly having a gas; it amazes me how, several years ago, his impulses to underplay everything made him seem wooden, but a little maturity has given him the heft he needed to vary his tone with the slightest of vocal or facial shifts. If the third act weren't such a waste, a succumbing to the demands of big-budget spectacle, I might see myself recommending this mangy, weird film; as such, it's imperfect, but like its hero, it wears its scars pretty proudly.
I wish I could say I agreed with you on this (we'll always have SPEED RACER, Dennis). But I found the movie to have the messy vibe you get when you try to adapt something based on market research: Fassbender cast in it to give the movie some "indie" cred; the overreach into WILD WILD WEST territory; the extra-plastic Megan Fox there to lure the Maxim readers (her slightly acne-scarred face looks like it benefited the most out of the CGI budget).
I really wish they would have gone for something darker in the vein of the more perverse passages you find in LONESOME DOVE.
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