Plans for the SLIFR Drive-in Night are shaping up nicely! Thanks to everybody who has contacted me so far-- we should have a big, eclectic, fun group of people enjoying Drag Me to Hell (with co-feature Angels and Demons, for those hankering for a double bill) at the Mission Tiki on Saturday, May 30. I'm working on arranging some special guests who will charge up the evening with even more fun, and there is plenty of time to make your plans and RSVP me here at the blog if you haven't already done so. Also, I've managed to round up several neat-o prizes to offer as free giveaways just for showing up and being a part of this special summer night.
Also, our little shindig got a very nice mention over the weekend courtesy of Kevin Roderick and the widely read and respected daily news blog L.A. Observed in a post entitled Keeping Drive-in Culture Alive, which is very much appreciated as well as being very cool. If your calendars aren't marked, please do so soon and join us, won't you? More news as it breaks!
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UPDATE 5/22/09 First of all, the requisite and by-now overly familiar apology for being a little on the sparse side posting over the last week or so. One should not complain too loudly about being snowed under with work, especially when so many of us are not, but it is for this reason that I have not been able to pay as close attention to the ever-growing list of items on my to-do list where concerns for this blog reside. I am hoping that the three-day weekend, even if reality turns it into a standard two-day block instead, will afford me some time to get after some of the things that have been nagging at my fingertips for a while now, and perhaps even get the ball rolling on a couple of big SLIFR projects for the summer too.

And if this goes as well as I think it’s going to go, I’ve already got another great idea for SLIFR Drive-in Night II, but it all depends on whether or not the Mission Tiki will be playing Black Dynamite in September…
Some day...
I will time a trip out to California to coincide with this.
And you will be most welcome, Ryan!
God, I wish I could be there for this. "Drag Me to Hell" and "Angels and Demons" is an insane double feature. I'll be with you in spirit ...
I does have a certain Jenny Say-kwa, doesn't it? Although for sheer terror the better second feature would be Hotel for Dogs.
Rick, I hope to shoot a little bit of video that night, and if I do I'll be sure to make it available. I wish you could be there too.
Outstanding! I gotta find a way to be there. Please add me to the R.S.V.P. list in the event I manage to make it after all.
Excellent, though you were already on it. (Wishful thinking, you know.)
I'm truly sad that I will be languishing in Alberta this weekend (and every weekend) instead of having a hoot and a half at DRAG ME TO HELL. This sounds like the most fun event imaginable. Eat an extra package of Good N Plenty for me!
Paul, how much notice do you need for the next one? :)
The drive-in night, all things being relative, couldn't have been more fun. It was an excellent group of people out to enjoy a little socializing and a perfect movie for the setting and occasion. I did not have any Good 'n' Plenty (though in my sweets-eating days I was a fiend for 'em), but I did have a bacon-wrapped Tiki Dog with grilled onions, mustard, chopped tomatoes, jalapenos and cilantro. It was good going down, but when I started to get a hint of what Alison Lohman would be subjected to during the picture, I began to regret my choice to eat at all!
Full report coming in less than 24 hours!
Very good
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The author write more!
Thank author, fellow author.
I really enjoyed this article.
The author, I beseech you write more.
author, fellow
author. I really enjoyed this article.
The author, I beseech you write more.
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very much for your very
information, it helped me a lot.
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