And finally, part four of our investigation into the very special teacher's guide to Miss Jean Brodie's very own Best Of-- these are, of course, the answers she received for her Modestly Magnificient, Matriarchally Manipulative Springtime-for-Mussolini Movie Quiz. The staff here at SLIFR University thank her very much for her participation, but most of all we thank all of you who contributed answers to this class session. They were, as always, extremely amusing and enlightening to read, and also loads of fun to excerpt-- the unexpurgated submissions have been and will always be available to peruse in the comments section under the original quiz post. (And the SLIFR administration wishes to apologize to Peter Nellhaus, who chose to sit this quiz out, thereby missing the opportunity to have his typically erudite and entertaining answers highlighted here. We hadn't anticipated a full-on answer recap, Peter, but Miss Brodie insisted, having a full head of steam and ambition, not to mention an unexpected window of free time on her hands. In your honor we will strive to impose the same standard on our next scholarly host, but only if you take part!)
So here we go, one last look at what you had to say in response to Miss Brodie's stimulating, squirm-inducing inqury. We shall begin with a consideration of the cinematic ideal.
Is there such a thing as a perfect movie?
I do hope not. (estienne64)
no. Emotionally, sure there is. (Self-Styled
Sure, but definitions vary. It usually implies
that the director (or whoever) got exactly what he/she wanted onscreen, and
what resulted is good in every regard. But cinema is much more volatile than
that. Unintended happenstances are part of the charm, and what may look like an
imperfection could enhance the movie, making it more perfect. The first example
that comes to mind is the story (which might not actually be true, but the
spirit speaks to my point) of the last shot in The Last Temptation of Christ, in which some camera problem causes
causes a white-out at exactly the moment Jesus dies. Anyway, as long as Casablanca exists, it’d be hard for me to say otherwise. (Scott Nye)
My head says ‘of
course not,’ but my other head says, ‘please point out the flaws in Rules of the Game, Tokyo Story, or Seven Samurai.’ Or The Maltese Falcon. Or etc. (Jeff
I find that the best films are made better because of their
flaws. Extreme example: Can anyone follow what the fuck is going on in The Big Sleep (1946)? And
yet... (Tony Dayoub)
There must be.
There's no other explanation for Sunrise.
(Sean Axmaker)
I think so. I don’t know what I’d change in Grand Illusion, Ride the High Country
and probably half a dozen others. (Tom
As Geoffrey
Tenant said in the great Slings and
Arrows: “Nothing is more boring than perfection.” So, to answer the
question: Perhaps – but it wouldn’t be a fun thing to witness. (wwolfe)
Not often, but yes. I do grow weary of
critics proclaiming every movie they see from their favorite director as a
masterpiece. After a while the word starts losing its meaning. (Craig)
There are movies
that couldn't have been any better than they were. (Robert Fiore)
Perfection is
for math and science, not art. The flaws are often what makes a work of art
special. (Robert T. Daniel)
Well, people
aren’t perfect, and most movies are about people. It would probably have to be
about something entirely different. Robots, maybe. Like Wall-E. Except that had
humans in it in the second half, and it kind of spoiled a great beginning.
Animals are pretty perfect, though. Maybe Winged Migration -- birds being
birds. Except they got humans to write the music, and to narrate it. Drop the
score and the narration track and there you have a perfect movie! (Weigard)
If there is, I
haven't found it yet. The closest I think I've come to is the recently departed
Del Tenney's The Horror of
Party Beach (1964).No. Seriously. (W.B.
26) Favorite movie location you’ve most
recently had the occasion to actually visit
I drive through
half the location shots of The Avengers
and Alex Cross on my way to work
every damn day, and I cursed every cast and crew member of both for six damn
months because of it. (xterminal)
In NYC last couple of weeks, and conscious of
passing through shots from Dressed to
Kill, Death Wish, Panic in Needle Park, Taking of Pelham 1 2 3, and of
course King Kong! (Jeff Gee)
In an hour we
could walk from my house to the subway station where the gunfight happens in 48 Hrs., the cemetery where Madeleine
visits Carlotta’s grave, and the dentist’s office in Greed. My favorite location is also probably Vertigo-related: the mission at San Juan Batista, which looks
amazingly like it does in the movie. A buggy and papier-mâché horse are still
sitting in the barn. (Tom Block)
Dexter Lake Club, Animal House. (Katherine
Almost every
day, I walk or drive past the restaurant/bar where the interior for most of the
first half of Death Proof was shot. (Josh K.)
Last summer.
Ridgeway, Colo. Saw some of the sets and props for the original True Grit filmed there. (Larry Aydlette)
drank Aqua Velvas in the bar where Robert Downey drank them in ZODIAC. Sadly
the place later burned to the ground. (Matthew David Wilder)
I often find
myself walking past the northwest corner of Vermont and Franklin, as referenced
in Double Indemnity, but they didn’t
actually shoot that scene there. (Mr.
The multiplane
camera at the Walt Disney Studios. (Robert
While in DC last
year on business, I made a side trip to the infamous townhome and steps used in
The Exorcist. I walked the steps from
bottom to top, which gave me quite a workout! (Robert T. Daniel)
A couple of years ago, I visited the Old
Tucson Studio, now transformed into a kind of old west / western movies &
TV theme park. And there walked the dry gulch where John Wayne made the
prisoner exchange for Dean Martin in Rio
Bravo. (Sean Axmaker)
Second favorite Delmer Daves film
can compare to Dark Passage, one of those great noirs that really
deserves more attention. But Daves' gift for a tight frame and slow-building
terror was well-deployed in Destination Toyko, where he also gets a
tough, stripped-down performance out of Cary Grant. (Brian Doan)
3.10 to Yuma. (Favourite: Dark Passage. Not that brilliant a film, but I'm sucker for all
that subjective camera stuff at the start.) (estienne64)
He wrote An Affair to Remember, so Bogey/Bacall
vehicle Dark Passage. (Anne Thompson)
Cowboy, with 3:10 to Yuma
being number one, although the clips I’ve seen from The Red
House suggest a possible new fave on the horizon. (Jeff Gee)
Probably 3:10 to Yuma. (The Red House is #1). I’ll watch Jubal when the Criterion comes along. (Tom Block)
A Summer Place. (3:10
to Yuma is his best, although The Last
Wagon is a sentimental favorite because my cousin Stephanie Griffin has a
supporting role in it.) (wwolfe)
Rome Adventure (Katherine
So this is
Hollywood hack month? Dark Passage
after Dames, but no one on earth ever
called Dames a Delmer Daves film, did
they? (Robert Fiore)
I should know
his films better. Never did see The
Hanging Tree or The Badlanders. I
may have to go with Dark Passage on
this one, though my 25-year-old memory wants me to put Cowboy in this spot. (Sean
Hey, I’ve actually seen two! Hollywood Canteen would come out second
to An Affair to Remember. (Weigard)
The Petrified Forest (Jamie
28) Name the
one DVD commentary you wish you could hear that, for whatever reason, doesn't
actually exist
Harpo Marx on Duck Soup (just honking). (David Cairns)
Orson Welles on Citizen Kane would be cool. I imagine he
would need to do at least 3 separate audio tracks in order to get in everything
he might want to say. It would probably create three new films, all very Citizen Kane-like. (Weigard)
think about this shit stupidly a lot: there exist no Spielberg or Lynch
commentaries, and I think that is a crime for posterity. (Matthew David
Merian C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack, and Willis H. O’Brien
talking about making King Kong, constantly interrupted by asides
from Fay Wray and Robert Armstrong. (Roderick
Yasujiro Ozu on his
final film, An Autumn Afternoon. (Sean Gilman)
Jean Renoir on The Rules of the Game (estienne64)
Joan Crawford
and Bette Davis for Whatever Happened to
Baby Jane. (wwolfe)
Chester Novell
Turner on Back Devil Doll from Hell.
Because that dude is DEAD. (Simon
David Lynch on Dune,
not only to hear of all the production troubles he was up against, but also to
hear of the different potential sequels De Laurentiis was hoping for. (Tony Dayoub)
It may exist–the
movie has never been released on DVD outside Japan–but I would love to hear a
commentary track for Gaichu from
Akihiko Shiota, Eihi Shiina, and Aoi Miyazaki. (xterminal)
Hawks, Grant,
Hecht and Russell on His Girl Friday.
(Larry Aydlette)
Given James
Ellroy’s commentary track on Andre de Toth’s Crime Wave, in which he speculates that Timothy Carey just might be
the man who murdered his mother, I’m going with James Ellroy on The World’s Greatest Sinner. (Jeff Gee)
Director Phil
Tucker on Robot Monster. I really,
really want to know what he thought he was making. (Sean Axmaker)
I’d love a full
blown commentary on Alan J. Pakula’s The
Parallax View. Still one of the best conspiracy films of the 1970s. (Jack Deth)
Welles, regaling us with anecdotes about Joseph Cotten on the commentary track
for Criterion's double-disc, full restoration of The Magnificent Ambersons.
If he also wants to throw in a chorus of "The Man Who Broke The Bank At
Monte Carlo," I will not complain. (Brian
Preston Sturges
on anything. (Robert Fiore)
Jack Nance, Eraserhead. (Thom McGregor)
I’d like to
assemble a panel of the most hilarious grandparents (intentionally AND
unintentionally hilarious) of my high school friends and see what they’d make
of any Harmony Korine film. (Josh K.)
29) Gloria Grahame or Marie Windsor
G. L. O. R. I.
A. Gloooooooria! (Larry Aydlette)
Windsor. ‘Salem’s Lot cred FTW. (xterminal)
Very, very
hard choice. Very slight edge to Marie Windsor because she made every
low-budget film she was in so much better. (Marilyn
Crazy doesn't get
any better than Gloria Grahame. (Sean
Grahame. This is
McGraw/Ryan redux. Also, much as I like Windsor, Grahame’s particular brands of
sexuality, weirdness and wildness are right up my alley. (Tom Block)
Grahame. (This
and Q20 make me feel I'm putting the boot into that excellent film The Narrow Margin.) (estienne64)
Grahame, isn’t
it? She is something. (weepingsam)
Gloria Grahame.
Because duh, GLORIA GRAHAME! (Sean
Marie Windsor.
Gloria Grahame always looked like she was in the first stages of anaphylaxis. (Jamie Lewis)
Gloria Grahame
was in better movies. Marie Windsor is just far enough off being a true glamour
girl that you can imagine you'd actually have a chance at her. The kind of girl
Elisha Cook, Jr. thinks he can have. (Robert
Tough call. But
I always get a special thrill from spotting MW in a bit part. (David Cairns)
Once again, have
a faint idea of what Grahame looks like, so she wins. (Thom McGregor)
Get outta here with that Gloria Grahame nonsense! (Matthew David Wilder)
30) Name a filmmaker who never really lived
up to the potential suggested by their early acclaim or success
The easy
answer's Kevin Smith, but I'm going with Witchfinder
General director Michael Reeves, who quite literally didn't live up to his
potential due to his dying at age 25. (Patrick)
I really thought that Clark Johnson had a
major career in front of him. Only a couple of features to his name, and of
those the TV movie Boycott (2001) is
terrific and the theatrical feature S.W.A.T.
is awfully well directed for such an insubstantial film (the best stuff is
unscripted byplay between Sam Jackson and Colin Farrell). But he directed the
pilots and early episodes of both The
Shield and The Wire and was
integral to setting the style and sensibility of those shows. Since then, I
haven't seen him really extend himself. He's got a solid career directing
television, and he does it well, but he should be directing features or
developing shows himself. He just seems to be marking time on other people's
projects. (Sean Axmaker)
Frankenheimer (estienne64)
Roddam. I loved Quadrophenia at the
time. (Thom McGregor)
Woody Allen (Robert Fiore)
Shamaylan. Runner up would be De Palma. (Jack
Cheating a bit,
but--Charles Laughton. (Mike Schlesinger)
George Lucas.
Makes me weep. (Mr. Peel)
I’ve been
disappointed by every post-BODY HEAT Lawrence Kasdan film. (Josh K.)
Landis (Katherine Wilson)
Richard Kelly (Jamie Lewis)
I’m starting to
worry about Paul Thomas Anderson. The guy’s a fucking master but I’m not sure
what all that technique is in service of. (Tom
I know he’s a
favorite “whipping boy” for questions like this, but Michael Cimino. The Deer Hunter is a brilliant,
explosively acted film-and his infamous follow up, Heaven’s Gate, truly is a pretentious mess that derailed his career
(and it’s still a mess, no matter what revisionist history has occurred
recently). (Robert T. Daniel)
about John Singleton? It feels remarkably dated now, but Boyz N The Hood
was a huge deal back in 1991-- it came out the summer before my freshman year
of college, and the impact on people my age, especially, was immense: it was
the crest of the so-called "Black Pack" renaissance that Spike Lee
had kicked into gear with She's Gotta Have It, and the future seemed
like an endless horizon of potentially great films. Singleton followed it up
with the flawed but interesting romantic drama Poetic Justice, and the heavy-handed
but skillful Higher Learning. And then...
And then what? He's continued working on projects both personal (Rosewood,
Baby Boy) and product-driven (Shaft, 2 Fast 2 Furious),
but none of them show the flash of personality that his debut film did. He's
only 44, so he has a lot of time to explore, but it's hard to imagine him ever
capturing that kind of excitement and insight again. (Brian Doan)
Stanley Kubrick (wwolfe)
David Gordon
Green is an obvious example; there might be better, but he is the obvious one. (weepingsam)
are so many, it hurts to think about. Read Pauline Kael's late, post-retirement
reminiscence of Peckinpah. It is one of my favorite essays, if you want to call
it that, about filmmaking. A superfan, Kael is remarkably
clear-eyed--terrifyingly so--about the man Peckinpah was. She described him as
"the most unfulfilled of all great directors," and though that label
might belong with Welles, she may be right. What's worse, a cult has grown
around his garbled, poorly thought out and/or mutilated films. (Matthew
David Wilder)
Hardwicke. I liked Thirteen and Lords of Dogtown an awful lot, but boy,
ever since then... (Scott Nye)
What if Welles
had finished more movies, been more disciplined, worked within the system? (Anne Thompson)
it a shame that Howard Hawks never managed to top Scarface? KIDDING. The
Siren points to her sidebar to reiterate that one good movie, for her, is
enough. But because she re-watched Force of Evil recently, the Siren
will name Abraham Polonsky as a filmmaker thwarted by the tenor of his times. (Self-Styled Siren)
31) Is there a movie-based disagreement serious
enough that it might cause you to reevaluate the basis of a romantic
relationship or a friendship?
Gosh, no. I’ll
take imperfect people over perfect movies any day. (Weigard)
If someone
seriously defended the idea that Bio-Dome was a funny movie. (Subjectivity is
one thing, but there ARE limits.) (Edward
Sure. I used to
have a girlfriend/eventual roommate who called almost everything I liked
“pretentious shit”, and that was only the seventh or eighth most serious
relationship problem we had. I’ve had other friends who, given the choice
between a good American film and a good foreign film, would reflexively pick
the American one every single time, and that drove me nuts. (Tom Block)
Yes, if they don't like
Hayao Miyazaki, we're through. (leo86)
Nah. Unless The Sound of Music is your favorite movie. Then we're
gonna tussle like Milton Berle and Terry-Thomas! (W.B. Kelso)
Not necessarily... but I have stopped reading certain film
critics when a pattern of contrarian-ism develops which they can't adequately
defend. At least Farber and Kael can back up their iconoclasm with some serious
and well-expressed thoughts. But simply trying to get attention is cause for me
to move on. (Tony Dayoub)
lived with a girl with whom I suspected I had some really grave differences. I
took out a CD and said, "If I die first, I want you to play this music at
my funeral." I played it: "Cockeye's Theme" from Once Upon a Time in America. It's a long
piece. She was lying on the couch. When it was over, she looked up at me and
said, "Kinda....cheesy, isn't it?" In that moment I knew the
relationship was over. (Matthew David Wilder)
In my twenties,
maybe, but not anymore. (Sean Axmaker)
None of the
usual arguments, like Pauline Kael dismissing anyone who does not loveMcCabe and Mrs. Miller. I
would have to rethink relationships with people who enjoyed or cheered on rape
scenes in movies. (Marilyn Ferdinand)
A total disregard of
Monty Python. (Jamie Lewis)
I have a friend who likes both Gangster Squad and Les
Miserables. Every day is a struggle to forgive. (Roderick Heath)
Anyone who
sincerely believes that Peter's Friends
has any redeeming features is unlikely to feature on my Christmas card list. (estienne64)
No, that would
mean you are an extremely shallow or self-absorbed person, probably both. (Larry Aydlette)
In college I
called my boyfriend Peter a "movie moron" for not having seen 2001: A Space Odyssey. He never let me
forget it. (Anne Thompson)
If someone wants
to say to me that they hate Lubitsch/Wilder/Hawks/You get the idea and they’re
coming at it from a serious, thoughtful place I’d like to think that I’d be
open to what they have to say. Maybe they would make me think about whatever
the film is in a way I’d never considered before. I’ve certainly heard
intelligent people say bad things about movies I love and they had a good
reason. But if it’s someone who thinks that these movies are boring or dumb or
old-fashioned or only good for watching on Mystery
Science Theater 3000 then, well, what would even be the point of continuing
a single conversation? Also, if someone told me they preferred digital
projection to 35mm, that might be a rough start. (Mr. Peel)
she's asked this question, the Siren likes to point out that she married a man
who dislikes John Ford. Her dissent-tolerance is pretty well established. (Self-Styled Siren)
I think if
someone said, “I just don’t like black-and-white movies” – meaning, really, any
older movies – that would put a serious crimp in the relationship. (wwolfe)
I was going to say no, but
I remembered a former coworker who said her and her boyfriend only liked 3D
movies. I wouldn’t have lasted an hour with that woman. (Josh K.)
I am not sure I can think
of anything. I’m pretty forgiving. (weepingsam)
No, or it would have
already happened. (Thom McGregor)
Extra credit to Bill Ryan for submitting 100% correct answers on his quiz:

The classic movie moment
everyone loves except me is:
The Passion of Joan of Arc.
It’s dumb as fuck.
2) Favorite line of dialogue from a film noir
“So that’s why ya killed her, is it?? Why you!” from Deadly Street Nights
3) Second favorite Hal Ashby film
Samurai Champloo
4) Describe the moment when you first realized movies were directed as opposed
to simply pieced together anonymously.
The part in Touch of Evil with
that big long shot at the beginning, when the camera pans by Orson Welles
sitting in his director’s chair, winking and giving the “A-OK!” sign.
5) Favorite film book
Films In the Dark: American Cinema
from September 1982 – April 1983: What Movies Say About You, Specifically
by Rodney Smitch
6) Diana Sands or Vonetta McGee?
If Holden Caulfield married Vonetta McGee, his name would be Holden McGee.
Wait, that doesn’t mean anything.
7) Most egregious gap in your viewing of films made in the past 10 years
Fart Movie
8) Favorite line of dialogue from a comedy
“If that’s your poop, then what did my doctor just eat!?” from Poop Movie
9) Second favorite Lloyd Bacon film
Whence Flew the Albatross?
10) Richard Burton or Roger Livesey?
Have you guys heard my Richard Burton impersonation? Check it out: “Humph humph
humph! I’m gonna punch your face, buddy! Humph humph humph!”
11) Is there a movie you staunchly refuse to consider seeing? If so, why?
Make Way for Tomorrow, because I was in the video store years
ago, and I was talking to the guy who ran the place, and I said “So have you
seen anything good lately?” and he said “Make
Way for Tomorrow is really good,” and I said “Oh yeah? What is that,
sci-fi? Bunch of lasers and such?” He said “No, actually, it’s a pretty
heartbreaking story about this elderly couple who, because of various financial
and familial influences…” But I cut him off right there, because I thought I
could guess, and I said “And they travel into the future? And before the old
guy hits the button that goes BEEP BOOP BEEP and sends them into the time-hole,
he goes ‘Okay Gladys, here we go…make way for tomorrow!” But the guy goes, “No,
it’s not…” and I went “Do you see the old lady’s tits at all?” He’s like “What?
No. Who are – “ “Save me the chin music, Frances,” I go, “If there’s no tits
and no time explosions then fuck all y’all!” Then I stormed out. I was soooo
mad, you guys.
12) Favorite filmmaker collaboration
The classic grindhouse duo Hanch Furnbee and Dornis O’Horke. Best movie they
made together: Don’t Answer My Question!
13) Most recently viewed movie on DVD/Blu-ray/theatrical?
Poop Movie on DVD, then again
on Blu-ray, where it really pops. In theaters: Amour
14) Favorite line of dialogue from a horror movie
“I’m afraid you guessed correctly, my poor little mouse. You see, I am a mummy! GRRRRRRRRRR!” – from The Mummy’s Thigh
15) Second favorite Oliver Stone film
I Will Cart My Dick Around in a
Wheelbarrow Without Even Being Asked To
16) Eva Mendes or Raquel Welch?
Ha ha ha aw yeah dude
17) Favorite religious satire
18) Best Internet movie argument? (question contributed by Tom Block)
think There Will Be Blood is
real good.” “Did you see it in Cannes?” “No.” “I did. It’s not the same movie
if you don’t know that Gilles Jacob is within at least a couple hundred yards
of the theater. It’s as if a certain magic has been lost.” “Why are you such a
fucking piece of shit?” And so on. I’m not going to type out the whole thing.
19) Most pointless Internet movie argument? (question contributed by Tom Block)
“here is some start wars opinon” “ur opin ion about start wars yoda is a dum
one” “why dont u dumb ur face up ur ass hole” “that is something like wat jart
jart bankes would say” “u wish” “u wish u were hant solor but u ar not as cool
but i am hant solor pew pew pew” “that is no how phaser blast soun like they r
like this proo proo proo i jus kild jart jart bankes” “u son of a bich” etc.
20) Charles McGraw or Robert Ryan?
My last name is Ryan too.
21) Favorite line of dialogue from a western
“Are those cows? Cows are everywhere out here in the West. God bless this land.
This shall be our home.” from No
Longer the East
22) Second favorite Roy Del Ruth film
Twice a Woman, Once a Cop
23) Relatively unknown film or filmmaker you’d most eagerly proselytize for
You’ve probably never heard of it.
24) Ewan McGregor or Gerard Butler?
Neither one. The sooner Scotland crumbles into Hell, the better. Who’s with me?
25) Is there such a thing as a perfect movie?
A perfect movie needs the eleven Bs: blood, boobs, barking (I like dogs, but
mainly in the distance, not up close), Bakersfield (California, I’ve heard it’s
nice), barns, Baal (a lesser demon), boos (scares!), blares (trumpets!), bleats
(sheep!), bosses (entrepreneurs!) and BONES, if you know what I mean
26) Favorite movie location you’ve most recently had the occasion to actually
The planet Earth. That’s where they filmed most of Poop Movie.
27) Second favorite Delmer Daves film
28) Name the one DVD commentary you wish you could hear that, for whatever
reason, doesn't actually exist
I’d like one for Playtime where Jacques Tati says things like
“And this was the first day of filming,” and Jean Badal says “No, this was day
three.” But Tati is insistent this was the first day of filming! Those two in a
room together, just magic.
29) Gloria Grahame or Marie Windsor?
Ha ha I get what you are going for with this one! Up top!
30) Name a filmmaker who never really lived up to the potential suggested by
their early acclaim or success
Srdjan Spasojevic
Is there a movie-based disagreement serious enough that it might cause you to
reevaluate the basis of a romantic relationship or a friendship?
Don’t like Summer Rental? I
will no-fooling murder you with a shovel, dickface.
UP NEXT: In the ultimate expression of A Hard Act to Follow, Dennis attempts 31 swings at his own answers to Miss Jean Brodie's Modestly Magnificient, Matriarchally Manipulative Springtime-For-Mussolini Movie Quiz!