Those of you who are reading books the 21st-century way, specifically on an Amazon Kindle, may be interested to know that you can now
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Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule directly to your
Kindle device! Yes, we’ve moved up a notch around here in the world of high-tech promotion—it’s just another way of getting the writing to a broader audience and perhaps putting a few shekels in this threadbare writer’s coffers at the same time. Mind you, I have no expectation of getting rich off of this—nearly six years of online writing has pretty efficiently stripped me of any and all delusions of that sort. But neither am I one to look askance at the occasional drop in the bucket either. Each yearly subscription costs $1.99, 30% of which comes directly back to me. (That’s 60 cents, for those of you, like me, who have been brushing up on your fifth-grade-level math lately.) Of course I retain all ownership and responsibility for everything that gets written and published on this blog, and also of course this blog will continue to be available
for free to anyone who already reads it via the ordinary Internet devices, such as your PC or, if your eyesight is wa-a-a-a-a-ay better than mine, your phone. But if you do own a Kindle and fancy taking
SLIFR to the beach or on vacation while you leave your laptop at home, well, there you go! Just another way we’re putting 21st-century sorcery to work for you here at
Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule. And hey, why not consider subscribing even if you own a Nook, or a Sony Reader, or maybe if you don’t even own an e-reader device at all. Pity subscriptions are just as good as a PayPal donation! (I gotta look into that PayPal thing, huh?)
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