Joe Dante’s The Hole (from a script by Mark L. Smith) doesn’t explode off the screen like a Gremlins firecracker or dabble in gory genre-referential antics in the way that made The Howling and Piranha such high-end, low-down fun. And there’s little evidence in this latest film of Dante the satirist who created such tonally disparate films as Small Soldiers, Matinee and The Second Civil War with a spirit of liberal social engagement that makes watching them feel like discovering a really well-spiked punchbowl. It has been observed that Dante, one of the movies’ most naturally, piquantly visual filmmakers (Gremlins 2: The New Batch felt like a great, feature-length Mort Drucker panel), makes movies that already feel as though they’re in 3D. So why bother? Dante answers that question by choosing to use the newly vibrant technology on a small-scaled story (boiled down to its essentials, it’s Three Kids and a Creepy Basement) which allows him to explore 3D not so much as an effects-enhancement tool but one which can be used to expand the boundaries of the story’s emotional pull. (Fans of Dante’s penchant for referencing other films needn’t worry, though; at least one joke involving a certain glove-bound Peter Lorre movie had the audience I saw it with chuckling with appreciation.)

Dante has often spoken of Alfred Hitchcock’s Dial M for Murder as a major influence on how to take what is essentially a chamber piece and artistically enhance it so that the 3D brings out elements of character and emotion that might not have been so direct or accessible otherwise. Here Dante takes a ‘80s horror movie template (the movie The Hole most facilely resembles is the 1987 low-budget hit The Gate) and lends his directorial authority, his mastery of space and pace and the frame, and now what quaintly used to be referred to as "stereovision," to enrich the film’s basic structure. The story involves two young boys and their overworked mother (Chris Massoglia and Nathan Gamble are the boys, Teri Polo is the mom) who have made another in a series of apparently frequent moves, this time into an old house in a small town that the oldest boy (Massoglia) finds unbearably dull. They eventually meet up with a girl from next door (Haley Bennett) and the three of them discover a locked passage which, when opened, reveals an apparently bottomless hole in the basement from which all manner of fearful things, seemingly directly related to each of the children’s most profound fears, begin to emerge.

But more so than with the references and inspiration of other directors and films, I was struck by the way the movie beautifully resonates with one of Dante’s own movies-- Explorers. Both share a dark, often cluttered yet somehow shimmering color palette and a slightly heightened reality--the steps down to that basement never seemed so long as when there’s a ghastly, cackling jester doll at the foot of the stairs, just like the hometown vistas of Explorers, on which a drive-in movie theater seems surrounded by nothing but the most beautiful of night blue. The sullen, introspective Dane, as played by Chris Massoglia, seems a direct descendant of Jason Presson’s troubled Darren, who in Explorers gets involved with a scheme to build a homemade spaceship and send it off in search of the source of a series of strange interstellar signals as a reasonable alternative to spending another night at home with his alcoholic father who, it can reasonably be presumed, indulges in a regular schedule of violent, emotional abuse. There are even images in The Hole that resonate for me with the perversely funny conclusion of Explorers, when our earnest post-Spielbergian heroes realize they been called on their adventure by a couple of alien kids who know nothing of Earth culture other than what they’ve picked up from TV transmissions floating in the void. The party is crashed by a rampaging monster who resembles the alien kids, but who is even bigger than they are. The creature is back-lit, framed by a giant doorway, and he flails his multiple arms in an angry display that confuses everyone but Darren, who recognizes the parental rage right away. “He’s their dad,” he mutters with bemusement, as all remnants of the glowing Spielberg vision of alien visitation delightfully crumble into space dust. The Hole turns that moment of bittersweet comic recognition into a terrifying tableaux from which Dane must escape with his dignity and his sanity intact.

It seems that gazing into that basement hole leaves one susceptible to one’s emotional closets being cleaned and the fears contained therein being trotted out for a final showdown. At precisely the point where the air usually begins to leak out of similar movie enterprises, Dante manages to invest his movie with the kind of emotional urgency that should be the envy of but seems quite beyond most of the current crop of Hollywood shockmeisters. Bennett ends up climbing the tall tower of a dilapidated roller coaster to confront the demon that most plagues her, and the sequence is genuinely unnerving; the imagery has a primal terror to it that is made richer by the use of 3D, and by Dante’s sensitivity to how 3D can be used to accentuate not just depth, but height. Yet the sequence is triply effective because we never lose sight of why that climb is so important to Bennett’s character, a tribute to Dante’s mastery not just of technology but of inspired storytelling. And the movie’s climactic sequence, in which Massoglia faces down his greatest fear—the one that has kept his family on the move from city to city for so long—Dante finds ways to employ dazzling puzzle-logic imagery to make us feel as though we were seeing how a terrified, and newly empowered boy might envision the interior of his own confused mind.

Joe Dante on the set of The Hole
The latest trailer for The Hole
I’m jealous, Dennis – I want to see this so bad! Glad to hear that Dante is back with a solid movie – I just hope I don’t have to wait until DVD to see it!
It's a wonderful movie, and I'm so glad to hear it'd been doing well over here in Europe/UK. The theatre I saw it in (their main screen) was sparsely populated, while my response to the movie was so great that I really wanted to run down the steps out front of the building and evangelise!
It's far and away the best Live Action 3D I've seen since the whole 3D revolution began. And one of the things I MOST took away from the film was the sheer pleasure and satisfaction in watching a film wher the director knows what he's doing and WHY he's put the camera where he did.
I don't mind fast cutting, but watching THE HOLE I felt so aware of the fact that for most movies that do, it's because there's no thought behind why they shot what they shot. They just shot a lot of stuff and used the edit to infuse energy and - with luck - some sense of excitement/meaning.
There's a brain behind the film making in THE HOLE.And a heart.
And while I won't claim it's Dante's greatest, it says a LOT about the current state of film making that watching this - comparatively simple story - I felt a HUGE internal sigh of relief at knowing I was in good hands. That I was watching something made by a FILM MAKER. A STORY TELLER. A man in control of his medium.
I think they need to think more carefully about the marekting. Because I think that the kind of kid who loves DOCTOR WHO (the current incarnation), the 8-12 year olds who like weirdness and fun and imagination, will go NUTS for this... you just have to let them know that it's FOR them.
It's for the rest of us too, but I think THOSE kids are the ones it will most impact on.
Lovely write-up Dennis. I hadn't thought about the EXPLORERS connections, but you're absolutely spot on. And I love that film dearly too... (has it's slightly longer cut ever been released on dvd? it played on TV over here, and the rhythms of that are ingrained in my DNA so that I can't watch the other).
Hope it gets a wider US release ASAP. It realy deserves it. Mr. dante has done GREAT work here. More people need to see it.
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