Here we go with a recap of American Horror Story episode #10, entitled "Birth." There's little doubt where this one is headed, and it seems equally clear that my AHS viewing pal Simon Abrams is headed for some serious distraction vis-a-vis this series as well as being more than relieved that the end is nigh. Simon?
ho, Dennisirino.
We're now down to the wire with our American
Horror Story recaps as we tackle "Birth," season one's
penultimate episode. And while I would gladly tackle season two with you (heck,
I'd recap most shows recap ashow with ya), I gotta say, I really need a break
from this show before I go anywhere near it again. There's some things I like
about "Birth" but I'm starting to think that Falchuk and Murphy are
relying on a crazy last-minute Hail Mary punt to score big points. I'm sure
there's going to be an explanation for some of the gaping, man-eating
chasm-sized plot holes that still plague the show. For example, something's
gotta give with Ben's cluelessness. It's just gotta! Once again, I find myself
exasperated by AHS's writers' need to
gracelessly stack plot points upon plot points. The show is now a crazy Jenga
tower of moronically inter-related plot points. These individual plot points
necessarily support each other, but for no good reason other than that they
were made to be stacked onto each other. I don't really think this needs saying
but: this is not a good organizing principle, Dennis. It's's just
Ok, let's get things rolling: "Birth" starts in 1984. Nora Montgomery
tells a young Tate, who accidentally wanders into the Murder House's basement,
that she'll protect him whenever he needs help. This is after the Infantata
attacks Tate, dragging him under some piece of furniture obscured by the
shadows that apparently no DP was encouraged to capably illuminate. It's
spooky, ooh, you're not supposed to be able to see anything, oooh, ooooh. Nora
offers to protect Tate thusly: "If Thaddeus [ie: the Infantata] comes to
see you again, just shut your eyes and say: [in funny voice] 'Go away!' [end
funny voice] You understand,Tate? He'll mind you. Because I'm going to protect
you." Sounds like a plan! So shit gets real, time marches on, Tate grows
up and he remembers something Nora says to him: "Life's too short for so
much sorrow." But now, in the present, when Tate repeats Nora that line,
she doesn't remember it. This is like that one Modest Mouse song that goes:
"I never thought that the words you said to me meant more to me than they
ever did you!" Nora tries to get Tate to help divest Vivien of her unborn
children. Tate says he can't, trying to keep it so that Violet doesn't know
that he, uh, raped her mom.

Then, we move on! Violet is dragged into the family car by Ben, who
understandably wants his manically depressed teenage daughter to visit her
manically depressed mother in the hospital. Violet feels ill and stomps her
feet and says she can't go. We know why: she can't leave the premises of the
Murder House. Violet's hoarding this little nugget of information to herself
because like Tate, she wants to spare her loved ones the pain of knowing the truth:
she's a ghost. So enter another giant fuckin' plot hole: car pulls away,
Violet's ghost re-emerges, as an ostentatious crane shot shows us, looking out
from a bay window or some shit. She's trapped, Dennis, she can't get out. But
why doesn't Ben notice this? Better yet, why don't the show's writers expect us
to notice this? Once, twice, maybe three times we can ignore Ben's
forgetfulness. But if you (meaning the show's writers) take great care to
remind us that this is just one of the show's loose-goosey ghost rules, but
then don't even give us a tentative explanation for Ben's latest bout of
selective amnesia, you're just fucking with me. Because at that point, you're
relying on the fact that there's so many plot points and subplots and
criss-crossing narratives and tangential anecdotes that the main ones don't
even need to matter anymore because shut up, that's why, this is American
Horror Story.
So Ben doesn't notice Violet's gone. Meanwhile! Violet talks to Tate, who tells
her that she eventually needs to spill her undead beans to poppa Ben. "You
can't control it forever, Violet. I mean, it is what it is." See, Dennis,
it is what it is, so just do it, like Nike. Violet then panics some more,
angstily talking about how scared she is of staying in the Murder House
for-ev-er. She explains this in typically mawkish dialogue: "We'll be like
all the others here: prisoners in a windowless cell. Who's going to show me the
new ways of the world? Nobody here's happy, Tate." Tate replies,
"Yeah, but they're not like us. They're all lonely. We have each
other." Ah, young undead romance, blech, ptooey.
Then: Chad and Patrick return. Violet stumbles upon them as they gussy up a
crib and decorate the room for Vivien's babies. You see, like Nora, they want
Vivien's babies. This tidbit of information is of course only important now
that the show has played its ludicrous Antichrist baby hand (superior to a
Royal Flush but inferior to most other hands) last episode with its bizarre
Vatican anecdote. Never before was it apparently important to know that Chad,
Patrick, Nora, whoever-the-fuck, wanted Vivien's babies or had planned to do
something to Vivien or the twins. All we, the audience, need to know is that
somebody raped her and that's spooky, ooh, mystery rape. Yes, I know how
petulant I must sound right now but damn it, I like it like that, and it suits
the show, and raspberries to you!

Back to my recap: Chad and Patrick razz Vivien that they're gay and they're
ghosts and they will steal her mom's baby...sorry, babies. Violet tries to make
a deal with Constance to get her to get Billy Dee to come back so that she can
get rid of Chad and Patrick. Constance meanwhile makes a deal with Chad and
Patrick: they can keep Ben's kid, just let Constance have Tate's kid. Why exactly
Constance is going to them to do this and not Tate is unclear. Presumably, it's
because Tate got mad at her in "Smoldering Children" and now there
can be no alliance between ghost son and psycho-biddy momma. Anyway, Chad and
Patrick plan on smothering the babies with "hypo-allergenic pillows"
at about 1-1.5 years old so that they can be cute forever. This scheme is
simply diabolical, especially after the show flaunts how jaded it expects its
viewers are by teasing us with Constance's insouciant gay-bashing taunts
("What you're doing is unnatural!" "So is deodorant!")...I
honestly have no idea how we're meant to be shocked on this show when we're
never seriously given half a chance.
Anyway, Billy Dee arrives, says that she can't just banish that kind of
negative energy easily, says it's "pure physics," and does some
dancing around the Laws of Energy Conservation. She says some mumbo jumbo like,
"Like the way a battery restores energy," and "Negative energy
feeds on trauma and pain," as in asylums and prisons. And hey, did you
know season two is set in an asylum? What a ka-winky-dink. Billy Dee then says
one way to get rid of ghosts is, uh, well, she's got a story. It's the story of
the lost American colony of Roanoke, here recast as a stupid ghost story. As if
it weren't fucking spooky enough that a WHOLE GROUP OF PEOPLE DISAPPEAR WITHOUT
ENOUGH. NO, WE HAVE TO...sorry, the show's writers have to trivialize this true
story by suggesting that a seance was held and that the Pilgrims were banished
by Native Americans who destroyed the personal belongings of the Roanokens
after uttering a magic word: "Croatoan." This gives Violet an idea.
Good, somebody oughta be thinking around here...
But first, Ben visits the hospital. He makes no comment about Violet not being
there, not even a, "Damn that girl, she appears to have escaped out of the
car while I was not looking or something!" Before he can say,
"Continuity Editor," the next canned shock is open him: Vivien
probably needs an emergency C-section. Dr. Markazy says, "Don't go on that
trip, pregnant lady, stay here, you could hurt yourself." I'm
paraphrasing, sue me. Emotionally unbalanced Violet says, "Nah, let me out,
please." Sweaty but poorly-defined Ben says, "Yeah, yeah, wait, maybe
this one time I should at least pretend to give a shit and slow down and ask
what Dr. Markazy means, an emergency C-section, golly!" And Markazy's all
like, "Uh? Look one baby, the Alpha, is taking all the nutrients and stuff
that the other, now-sickly baby needs. That's bad."

After that, Violet and Tate try to get "talismans" that belong to
Chad and Patrick so that they can burn them, then say, "Croatoan,"
thereby banishing the show's gay wannabe baby-napping ghouls. Tate works on
this by trying to seduce Chad or at least get close enough to him so that he
can steal something of his. Because this show's narrative is determined more by
convenience than functional logic, Tate's seduction of Patrick ends with Chad
wailing on and then at Tate about how he doomed Patrick to a fate of living
with Patrick forever but only when Patrick is standing riiiiight behind Chad.
But whatever, apparently we need to be reminded YET AGAIN by Chad and Patrick's
story that they can't change. Get it, Dennis, there will be a quiz: sometimes
we can't forgive each other, and sometimes we can't allow each other to turn
over a new leaf. Cynicism wins, Dennis. Can't change, won't change. Make a
Then Violet gets a tchotchke too, this one belonging to Patrick. But then Ben
comes home with Vivien and they try to leave but just as he's dragging Violet
out, Constance is trying to drag Vivien into the Murder House. Ben at least
remembers to ask, "Hey, Violet, where were you and stuff?" And Violet
sputters out how she killed herself. But woops, hang on, Vivien's giving birth,
all the ghosts come out and try to help. So since the story's events are
speeding up here, I'm going to do the same. Okay, here's the short-short version:
Vivien gives birth with the aid of the ghosts, including Dr. Montgomery. She
flashes back to when everything was hunky dory with Ben as he blows on her
tortured face (it's soothing, I guess). She likes him now, she never wanted to
lose him, aaaand she's pooped out Thing #1. Then there's more vaseline-covered,
bottom-of-the-beer-bottle-goggles flashbacks and Thing #2--the Alpha!--comes
out. We don't see the Alpha. Nobody reacts to the Alpha's appearance. Constance
absconds with that baby but is stopped at the 10 yard line by Hayden, who also
apparently wants this kid. Meanwhile, Vivien dies. Yeah, sad, huh, and not at
all predicta--oh, excuse me, sorry, yawning--predictable.
But before that happens, Violet tries to banish Patrick with fire and by
saying, "Croatoan!" But it predictably does not work. Why they had
poor Zachary Quinto even attempt a fake-out and spazz out before laughing
mockingly at Violet and saying, "That does not work, baby puppy," is
anyone's guess. We're so jaded, Dennis, laugh harder, jaded guy. I mean, one
minute the audience is assumed to be as jaded as the day is long, the next as
naive as Pollyanna. What gives? Feh. Look: Patrick tells Violet about Tate's
raping Vivien, then Violet confronts Tate. Tate bawls at her, says he doesn't
know why he'd do that, he really doesn't, no, no. For some reason, Violet
believes him. I personally don't believe this, but hey, it's convenient, and
there's only so much time in the episode so again, shut up, why don't you? And
so there's a lover's quarrel as only American Horror Story can do it, complete
with abysmal dialogue like:
Violet: Mimimimi, at first I thought, "That you were attracted to the
darkness. Tate: you are the darkness."
Tate: "You're the only light I've ever known. You've changed me
Violet: "I believe that. I love you, Tate. But I can't forgive you. You
have to pay for what you caused, all the pain and the sorrow."
about your overheated crap. In case you can't tell, I'm kinda P.O.ed with the
AHS guys right now. Me and them, we don't really see eye-to-eye on what is and
isn't playing fair with your viewer (ie. me). I don't like the tonal
flip-flopping that has characterized this show thus far, and while I do like
the tender moment between Vivien and Violet that ends the episode, I continue
to wonder what the point of thinking critically about this show is given how
mindless and incoherent it is. Does it get better?
Catch up on the American Horror Story conversation between Simon and me by clicking on the following links: