Wednesday, December 25, 2013


From my house to yours, may you and your friends and loved ones write a new holiday standard of love and happiness and togetherness during this Christmas season. Kick back, pour a drink, stay in your jammies late, open some presents, toast your fortunes, have some wonderful food and companionship, and above all be blessed. And while you're at it, see a movie! Maybe some of the SLIFR 12 Days of Christmas will in some way inspire your choices or just add to the happy buzz of what I hope will be your best Christmas holiday yet.  

Day One: Out of the past and into your stocking...

Day Two: One to make any grinch's heart grow three sizes!

Day Three: I put the star on top of the tree... and I liked it. I liked it!

Day Four: Santa Say There's Trouble Every Day!

Day Five: A Christmas Carole!

Day Six: The Peter Cushing Appreciation Society UK sends its cheer!

Day Seven: Don't Call Her Savage, Call Her Santa's Favorite Elf!

Day Eight: Happy Horrordays!

Day Nine: Some good little girls and boys get on Santa's gift list, and some not-so-good little girls and boys get on Santa's shit list...

Day 10: Just Swimmin' in Seasonal Good Tidings!

Day 11: It was December 1966. I was in first grade. They (They!) dressed me up like a Christmas tree and forced me to read to the entire school. I slipped in some choice words though-- Santa was never so salty as he was that chilly morning, and I got even saltier as they hauled me to the principal's office. That'll show 'em. I got a lot of dates as a result of this memorable performance too. Uh-huh...

And finally, Day 12: How could your holiday party go wrong with such a guest list?

Merry Christmas, everyone!


1 comment:

  1. This was wonderful. Thanks, and merry Christmas to you and yours!
