Wednesday, May 05, 2010


The Grindhouse project continues to bear fruit!

Thanks to Larry, aka TLRHB for this oh-so-timely treat, the real preview for the movie that kicked off Grindhouse in 2007 which we've been waiting for ever since. And after you've thrilled to Machete, check out Larry's reminder about this week's DVD release of Joe Dante's Matinee (thanks also to Mr. Peel) and some thoughts on what happened to Michael Ritchie's career. As always, Larry, thank you for making a Wednesday morning seem worthwhile!



  1. That is one great trailer (and cast)! Thanks, Dennis.

  2. "Introducing Don Johnson!"

    This sounds like one for the drive-in, eh?

  3. It's a Nash Bridges reunion.

  4. This looks horrible, sorry. The original Machete trailer was good fun, but as a movie, this looks très weak. De Niro is not being given anything cool to do, and he could have been an awesome addition.

    The dialogue and scenario seem to have some of the same awkwardness of Rodriguez's early big-studio effort Desperado.

    I loved Planet Terror though, so maybe Rodriguez (Robert) will deliver when it gets down to the actual film, but so far this seems like a weaker version of Desperado.

  5. I love this--it hit me just right this evening!

  6. TLRHB-- I completely forgot about the Nash Bridges connection. Good thing Banderas isn't in this one, lest there have been some on-set throw-downs over Melanie Griffith...

    MAB: Come on, man! I generally despise Roberto Rodriguez's movies, but I loved Planet Terror too and I simply cannot not get behind any movie where Danny Trejo's name is all alone above the title. My only hope is that it'll be fun to see at the Mission Tiki. Plans are afoot-- I hope to announce something soon.

    Blaaagh: I hope you realize that you MUST visit Los Angeles this summer, if not for my birthday, then this!

  7. Pretty sure when *66-year-old* (!) Danny Trejo was doing time in San Quentin back in the day, he never would've imagined a 2010 where Jessica Alba (sixth hottest woman in the world, 2nd hottest Jessica in the world), Lindsay Lohan, and Michelle Rodriguez were draped all over him like he was Robert Pattinson on a pheromone overdose.

    Such is the magic of movies, I guess. Such is the root of all my depression.

    Next year from Robert Rodriguez: "When Amanda Seyfried Met Bruce Dern."
