Friday, September 07, 2007

WIDE OPEN SPACES: Cars, Stars & 3:10 TO YUMA

The good folks at the Mission Tiki Drive-In will once again be hosting the Southern California Drive-in Movie Society tomorrow (Saturday) night, and they’ve invited the Inland Mopars Car Club to come out and join the fun as well. It’s a SoCalDIMS tailgater, which means SocalDIMS and Inland Mopars members and their guests will be rumbling through the gates for early admission at 6:30 p.m., so as to get the best spots on the lot to see James Mangold’s 3:10 to Yuma, the updating of the 1957 western which starred Glenn Ford and Van Heflin. (It's Russell Crowe as Ford and Christian Bale as Heflin in 2007.) Lots of car gawking, heavy snacking (the snack bar will open early) and socializing amongst drive and car geeks—er, fans!—will take place between arrival and show time, so get there early. The tailgaters are always fun (the first one we had earlier this year, for Grindhouse, really set the standard), and if you’re in the Los Angeles area we really hope you can bring your cooler, your blankets, your Nerf badminton set and, of course, your bad self and make this tailgate party the centerpiece of your Saturday night.

Related: Here’s a great piece featuring commentary by SoCalDIMS’s own Sal Gomez on The Vineland Drive-In which appears in this week’s issue of the L.A. Weekly.


  1. Dagnabit! I've been wanting to go to one of those since I found out about the Grindhouse one twelve hours too late...and there you go scheduling on the rare Saturday I'm actually booked!


  2. Maintain peeled eyes, Bob, on that SoCal DIMS website. We'll probably squeeze one more tailgater in before the end of October. Keep them spurs shiny, bucksnort! And sorry you can't hitch up fer this 'un...

  3. It may be hard for you to imagine how jealous it makes someone like me, who's far away from any drive-in, much less a shiny, reborn one like the Mission Tiki, to read about such a night and know I'm gonna miss it! Will they still be operating in early November when I plan to be down there?

    Have fun! Hey, how can you not?

  4. Blaaagh-- Oh, yeah, they'll be open, all right! You must see the place now. The refurbishment that had only begun when we witnessed Saw II and The Devil's Rejects has now been completed. And word has it that the company is hard at work on revamping the Rubidoux in a '50s cruising theme and the Van Buren with some major art deco touches.

    The only person who wishes you were down here this weekend more than you is me. (Although I am in a real bind regarding school work this morning, so I may end up missing the 3:10 to Yuma myself...)

  5. Hey Dennis...

    GET TO WORK!!!
