Wednesday, October 25, 2006


A busy week is just getting busier as Halloween preparations are entering their final stages. Look for some juicy items on SLIFR to commemorate this popular pagan holiday toward the end of the week.

In the meantime, from the Bookworm archives at KCRW radio in Santa Monica comes a real treat for this Wednesday morning or any morning-- Bookworm host Michael Silverblatt and Los Angeles film critic Chuck Wilson talk to Pauline Kael in a 1991 interview recorded on the occasion of the release of her book Movie Love, the final volume of her collected film criticism.

(Thanks to Thom McGregor for pointing the way to this one!)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, how nice it would be to read her reactions to films coming out now! But I'll content myself with stuff like this--thanks, Dennis (and Thom).
