Thursday, February 24, 2005


Good Friends of the Blogosphere,

It's hard for me to get used to the idea that there might be an increasing audience out there checking in on what's happening with this site, but it seems to be, on some still small scale, true. So I thought I'd let you know, in case anyone was wondering why nothing new has been posted in three days, that a house full of colds (kids and adults) and a bunch of deadlines at work that all seemed to gather around one day have made posting new material a difficult proposition.

That said, there's much new stuff on the way. I finally caught up with The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and expect to have some things to say about that film, and the whole Wes Anderson phenomenon, in the next few days. My local Blockbuster has, within the last week, stocked some very interesting titles, and what with their new "no late fees" policy (there are strings attached, of course, but they're fairly easily clipped) I expect to be able to see and post about some titles that are likely to get very quizzical looks from the clerk behind the counter. Some of the titles I saw on their shelves last weekend include the documentary My Architect, as well as Godard's In Praise of Love, the acclaimed Japanese film All About Lily Chou-Chou and Goodbye, Dragon Inn, a film found on many top-ten lists at the end of last year and one I hope to see and write about this weekend. And I also recently caught an old Clifton Webb-Gloria Grahame saga of British wartime intrigue called The Man Who Never Was, which will definitely be worth some comment.

That's not to even mention the fact that the Oscars are just around the corner (Sunday evening). I have a couple of items to share on that monumental event as well.

And a little thing called Spring Training starts next week too. Baseball season is back!

So, to those who have been checking in and not finding much new over the last few days, I thank you very much for your continued interest. There should be some new items up and ready in the next 24 hours or so.

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