Thursday, May 29, 2008


"I like to watch..."

As the great David Hudson would say, have I got an online viewing tip for you…

Jonathan Lapper of Cinema Styles has created a fine new montage film entitled Frames of Reference and it’s available for viewing now. Here’s Jonathan on what he’s up to with it:

“No sound from the films themselves, all done to one piece of music instead of the usual multiple snatches of music in montages (the music being Complex City, composed and conducted by Oliver Nelson, a piece so extraordinary with so many different tempos and breaks it cries out for film use) and with the idea being no chronological order, no genre order or preference, simply the language of film referencing itself. The opening section is purposely slow and methodical as is the music. Then it builds until at the 5:40 mark everything ramps up for the minute long finale.”

It’s an excellent way to take a seven-minute coffee break at work and revisit some great moments in the movies and think about the language of film that ties them all together in our memories and our being. Nice work, Jonathan. (And thanks for including Powell & Pressburger. My obsession continues!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks much for the link Dennis! I'm glad you liked it. I hope others enjoy it too. I'll write up more on it and on Oliver Nelson after it's been up for a day or so. Thanks again.
