Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Wildly Popular 'Iron Man' Trailer To Be Adapted Into Full-Length Film

Bless you, Larry Aydlette, for the tip!


  1. Now, that's brilliant. Positively hysterical.

  2. It really is. "Fans love (Paltrow's) three quarters of a second-long performance!" How many summers are we away from this actually happening?

  3. Didn't it already happen in Austin Powers Goldmember?

  4. I was thinking about it, and that new Neil Marshall movie Doomsday (he directed The Descent, a superb movie), the bald-faced Escape from New York/Road Warrior pastiche, is pretty much a trailer in search of a movie. And not only that, at one point (and this wasn't even the big action climax), I counted a rapid succession of 14 individual shots over the course of less than five seconds.

  5. Can I say that this looks like a great year for the summer blockbuster? Last year was middling and the year before was a desert of despair, but I am not actively dreading any of the movies on that poll.

    I'm especially looking forward to Iron Man (solely based on the trailer), Speed Racer (the same) and, although I'm the only cinephile in the world who does not worship at the alter of Pixar, Wall-E looks like an honest-to-god masterpiece. I also want to know where Del Toro and Nolan will bring they Hellboy and Batman franchises.

    Either a very fun summer or the most disappointing summer ever, but I'll be an optimist.

  6. You're not even dreading The Mummy: Lair of the Emerald Pharaoh Gunslinger or whatever the hell it's called, Krauthammer?

    Of those on the list, I'll say I'm interested in Iron Man, and I'm more than interested in Hellboy 2 and The X-Files: I Want to Believe (as it is apparently now known). And although almost everyone I know looks at me like I'm nuts when I say this, there's something about that could be keen/could be a disaster vibe coursing through the Speed Racer trailer that makes me kinda jazzed to see that one. Perhaps my susceptibility to happy, once-dormant memories of Tron have overtaken all good sense...?

  7. To be honest I LIKED the original mummy in it's own cheesy way, though I admit the sequels were terrible. Certainly not looking forward to it, but not dreading either.

  8. Sorry, Dennis, but the trailer for "Speed Racer" makes me not in the least bit jazzed. I think that thing looks like a horrifying disaster. A lot of people seem pretty pumped for it, and I don't understand that at all.

    For me, the summer rests almost entirely on the shoulders of "The Dark Knight", but I'm also quite excited by the other obvious ones, like "Iron Man" and "Indiana Jones", as well as the less obvious "Hellboy II". That first one was so goddamn much fun.

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