Tuesday, July 10, 2007

CHARLES LANE 1905-2007

We wished him happy birthday in 2006, and so it would seem inappropriate not to note his passing and send him off with a heartfelt goodbye. We feel like we knew you so well. Rest in peace, Mr. Lane.

Here's a lovely obituary from Mick La Salle. (Thanks, Shamus, for the tip.)


  1. Thanks, Dennis and Shamus, for drawing my attention to Mick La Salle's article. I often get frustrated by my local newspaper critic (I guess that's what they're there for), but with an article like this he truly shines. As did Lane, of course.

    Bizarrely, I've actually seen both his first film, Smart Money and his last, that TV movie remake of the Computer Wore Tennis Shoes. I think it's bizarre because though I've caught those relative obscurities, I've still yet to see the likes of It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World or Ball of Fire or the original Mighty Joe Young. Nice to know I've still got plenty of Lang bit parts to enjoy for the first time.
