Thursday, December 07, 2006

DAVID LYNCH'S DAIRY (that's not a typo)

I was at a West Hollywood theater a couple of weeks ago where a SAG screening of David Lynch’s Inland Empire, with star Laura Dern present, was being held. I happened to be passing through the lobby at the same time the screening was letting out, and I overheard some fairly stunned (and very recognizable) audience members as they attempted to sort out their initial responses, still busy reeling from what they’d just seen. (“I was with it all the way,” I overheard one woman opine, “until he felt he had to show the woman on the curb with her entrails hanging out.”) Whoops, there goes the Pirates of the Caribbean audience! (Get to clicking for reviews of the movie from Aaron Hillis, Manohla Dargis and an entertainingly baffled David Edelstein.)

But speaking of Laura Dern, no campaign in Oscar history beats the one chronicled in this bit of “Omigodisthatreally…” video courtesy of Rob and A Film Odyssey. Inland Empire is playing right now in New York and opens on December 15 in the Los Angeles area, with other engagements promised before the end of the year.


  1. That is quite possibly the weirdest thing I've ever seen. David Lynch is awesome!

  2. Funny comment about the whole Pirates audience thing. Glad to see David Lynch not wussing out!
