Sunday, November 12, 2006


“Writer-director Dani Levy’s genial, bittersweet comedy, Go For Zucker (Alles auf Zucker!), has one foot planted in the traditions of Jewish comedy, which Levy has described as distinguishing itself 'through its blunt, brazen and self-ironic treatment of human weaknesses and quirks—including the peculiarities of Jews themselves,' and the other in the comedy of what being a German Jew means some sixty years after World War II…
Funny, then, that he uses the morbid template of one of Germany’s most famous expatriate Jewish film artists, Billy Wilder, in which to ground the structure of Zucker, a movie that will, despite its most outrageous conceit, find much more common ground and comfort with its more conservative impulses than with the kind of clear-eyed, brutal honesty with which Wilder might have observed this wacky (but not too wacky) mispocha."

You can read the rest of my review right now at Flickhead, the Web site. And while you’re there, don’t deny yourself the pleasure of going through the whole table of contents. This site is one of the best at, as Flickhead itself puts it, “keeping it reel.”