Friday, August 04, 2006


It is really is time to take a week off, don the Hawaiian shirt and party at the Mission Tiki tomorrow, then knuckle down for a final week of studying before the big CBEST test next Saturday. But I also hope to see a new movie or two in the interim and come back swinging with a bunch of new stuff—actual writing—and a whole lot more. Plus, when I get back, I'll be ready to announce details regarding the upcoming Robert Aldrich Blog-a-Thon!

So, until after Saturday, August 12, check out Girish and company on Brian De Palma, Quiet Bubble’s Walter on Kind Hearts and Coronets, Jim Emerson’s Scanners for a truly amazing output of addictive and entertaining reviews, commentary and still more Opening Shots, Peet Gelderblom’s Five Words Challenge and some 2006 films to look forward to, and, of course, GreenCine Daily for your indispensable everyday fix on the whole world of online film writing. Have a great week!


  1. "The girls don't seem to care tonight
    As long as the mood is right
    No static at all, no static at all
    FM--no static at all "

  2. You were great on the Huell Howser show last night! We cheered when you came on. Hope PBS will rerun it again soon.

    Oh Girl

  3. Thanks, Oh Girl. I thought the program was top-notch Huell, and he really was having as good a time as it appeared on the show. (He finished off that chili dog at our table, and gauging by the speed and enthusiasm of consumption, I'd say he liked it just fine!) We watched the show last night at KCET in the company of Huell and his producers, and when the segment featuring Sal and I came on, he stuck in the good-natured shiv in for all to hear (imagine Huell's accent here): "I think this part really draaaaags the show down! We shoulda cut this by haaaaalf! Who caaaares about these guys?" Actually, he was very complimentary about our little contribution, and as much as I hate to see myself on film or videotape, I did think it went pretty well. Not well enough for cheering, but thanks anyway! And by the way, they will be repeating it at 6:00 pm on August 24. Thanks for watching!

  4. Sorry Dennis, I have a correction. The show will repeat on Thursday night August 10th at 9:30pm. Seems they didn't realize that the original scheduled date for the event would coincide with a particular religious holiday so the date of the event has been rescheduled for October 14th. Call in and get your tickets.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Hi Dennis - since your blog is one that inspired me, I wanted to invite you to come check out my new review blog, High and Low. First review is of The Nickel Ride. Hope you enjoy!
