Thursday, July 20, 2006


To paraphrase the words of Chauncey Gardner, we like to watch…

The Stranger: I like your style, Dude.
The Dude: Well, I like your style too, man. Got a whole cowboy thing goin'.
The Stranger: Thank you. Just one thing, Dude-- Do ya have to use so many cuss words?
The Dude: What the fuck you talking about?
The Stranger: Okay, have it your way. Take 'er easy, Dude.

It’s The Big Lebowski: F***ing Short Version:

In case you haven’t caught up with this one yet, here’s Filmbrain & Cinephiliac’s Aaron Hillis taking a ride on the Cash Cab:

Finally, you can order up tonight’s fever dream (I swear I had one like this once, only with end credit rolls...)

(Thanks to Sal for all the cussin’ and the nightmares…)


  1. Big fan of rabbit ears! Dennis and Sal, thank you. I'm going to tuck away the delightfully condensed Lebowski, take it out at the end of a rough day. Very punk rock. (Kinda wish it were included on the special collector's whatchama DVD I just picked up. Wouldn't it have been an awesome subtitling gig though?)

    Dennis, bet you've SEEN all those flashy titles, haven't you? I think I'm going to ralph... Someone, quick! Administer Antonioni! Or, like, that Warhol film where everybody's sleeping! I wanna be sedated!

  2. I think that there's a scarface version of that somewhere. I love Lebowski, but since I don't swear myself I've had an awful hard time picking out something I could quote in polite company.

    I think I've settled on
    "say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos"
    of course, not something I agree with, but "at least it's an ethos" strikes me as unimaginably funny for some reason.
