Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Shelley Duvall

Terry Jones

Claudia Cardinale

Warren Oates

Marion Lorne

Archie Leach

Monica Belucci

Tom Braidwood


  1. It's easy to get stuck at Claudia Cardinale, but I was rewarded with Monica Belucci a bit later. Thanks.

  2. What? No Marjorie Main?

  3. Oversight duly noted! An embarrassed me is putting her in the file for number #3 right now!

  4. Brian: Before Blogger's photo posting program conked out on me, I had another delight in store as well. But don't worry-- there's a #3 edition already almost ready to go!

    SK: How could you look in those eyes and think such things?

  5. Gorgeous! I love Shelley Duvall's face, too - and you found a really nice soft photo of her.

  6. You have made so much fuss about Claudia Cardinale and Sergio Leone to the point of putting both names in your title header of your blog, not to mention all of the blog articles you have offered on these two. I wanted to find out why all the fuss, so I purchased the DVD of "Once Upon A Time In The West" and watched it last weekend while you were fishing and visiting with your best friend just 60 miles south of me. I was in a mood to really watch this movie when I did, and I paid particular attention to all of the extra things, (sounds, scenery, views, backgrounds, etc) over and above the main action going on in the movie that Sergio was supposed to have influenced. I was surprised at the amount of detail and attempts of placing authentic sounds, backgrounds, and other details through the entire movie. I am sure if I watched this movie again, which I will soon, that I will notice even more details that I missed the first time. Nevertheless, I loved this movie, and I am glad I own it. Oh, yeh I almost forgot, Claudia, not bad!!

  7. Great list, sir.

    One of my favs of all time is Mr. Robert Z'dar, who ironically played the role of 'Face' in the hit buddy shoot-em-up 'Tango & Cash'.

    Here's his IMDB.

    And an even better pic.


  8. Bless you, Dennis, for including Warren Oates. Back in the mid-'80s when I booked first-run foreign and specialty films at a little "art house," the Market Theater in Seattle's Pike Place Market, we had a hallway that we called our "Hall of Fame, Ltd.," which we decorated with photos of our favorite faces -- most of whose fame was, well, limited. Oates was just about the first face you saw. (And don't forget Ben Johnson, his brother in "The Wild Bunch" -- and, of course, Harry Dean Staton. Our theater cat was named Harry Dean.) In "Prairie Home Companion" I found myself unable to take my eyes off Lily Tomlin. She's more beautiful than she's ever been -- and luminous to boot!

  9. Lovely choices, Dennis. I would add Madeleine Stowe (and if she's not an actor in desperate need of a good role and Oscar recognition, I don't know who is), William H. Macy, Juliet Stevenson, Brian Dennehy, Alfred Molina (just try and catch him looking the same way twice, but just try looking away), Cate Blanchett, etc., etc...

  10. Warren Oates! A fine character actor dead too soon. Thanks for including him.

  11. I just found this after being bored on DT. I'd add Rutger Hauer, Shohreh Aghdashloo, and (in a different way) Bob Peck who was great in Skolds Bridle.

  12. On further reflection, Dennis, given the pic you provided (and it may be rude of me to say so), I have to comment that there are certain aspects of Claudia Cardinale's visage that are more than a trifle reminiscent of your own wife's lovely face. I mean, the two of them aren't TWINS, mind you, but the similarities are unmistakably there.

    I'm just sayin'...

    P.S. WHAT? You think it's coincidence that Dennis chose this particular photo? Sheesh!
