Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Well, I’m on my second late night compiling all the great answers to Professor Wagstaff’s Summer of 42 (Questions, That Is) Movie Quiz, and if I can get an early start tomorrow evening, I dare say there’ll be a little morsel to keep you occupied over about a week’s worth of bathroom sittings by sometime Thursday. (I’m always thinking of you, Mysterious Adrian Betamax. Always.)

Until that time, however, I didn’t want to let much time pass without trumpeting the new Web site for one of my favorite places (and hopefully yours too one day), the Mission Tiki Drive-in. The site went on-line Tuesday, and it’s a real beauty. Some of the departments are still under construction, but for the most part it’s up and running and looks to be a great harbinger of the complete tiki vision that will have overtaken and enhanced this already marvelous drive-in by May of next year. So give the site a click and start making plans to take advantage of the fact that, whether it’s at the Vineland, the Van Buren, the Rubidoux, the Mission Tiki, or even outdoor cinema locations in Barstow, 29 Palms or San Diego, drive-in season in Southern California doesn’t come to a screeching halt in October like it does in many other regions of the country.

I’m rounding up a group of hearty outdoor film fans for an invasion of the Mission Tiki this coming Saturday, so if you see a bunch of us lined up outside our cars, wrapped in blankets and thoroughly enjoying a double feature of Doom and Serenity, stop by and say hello!


  1. A truly impressive Web site--I like the snack bar section best.

  2. Great Site. Dennis you or a member of the Southern California Drive-In Society should setup a web-site with your objectives, profiles, goals, meeting times & places, contact information, etc. Then link to the sites such as Tiki, would be a great way to get your club some exposure.

  3. Thanks for the kudos! We're Vonderland Studios, the folks who did the new Mission Tiki site. We are working on some cool additions that are coming soon, just wait for the History Section - we've got some great old stuff to put in there!
    Also, if you have an event coming up there let us know so we can get it on the site.
